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St. Teresa’s Primary School, Tullyherron Rd, Armagh
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Fun and learning in Foundation Stage!

25th Oct 2019

We have been so busy in Rec/P1/P2 in our 1st part of Term 1! We have been learning lots of interesting things in class.

In Numeracy we have been exploring Number. P1 have been working hard creating numbers with paint, dough and sand and P2 have been forming numbers to 20, building sets and recognising ordinal numbers. We were all very excited when we got to weigh different food items to see which was the lightest and heaviest and had great fun ordering ourselves from tallest to smallest. We made lovely graphs to see what was the most popular eye and hair colour in our class and the walls of our classroom are filled with our beautiful 2D Shape pictures.

In Literacy we love to learn our new sound of the week and wordbuild! We know lots of Nursery Rhymes, songs and jingles and are now beginning to write our own stories!

In the World Around Us our topic has been Discovering Me! We have made our own timelines and put Miss Quinn's timeline of photos in order. We dressed up as the people who help us and we looked at how we are all different. We explored parts of our face by using mirrors and made lots of expressions! We really enjoyed measuring each others hands and feet!

We love building, constructing, writing, painting and creating in our Play sessions. We love being Play Reporters and reporting back to the class what we have made!

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